Ornitografías, aves que no vemos.

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Ornitografías, aves que no vemos.
27 in
13 in
(69 cm x 33 cm)
Photo Credit
Oscar Monsalve
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(size is variable)

Birds are a symbol that represents our soul and its journey on the earth. I live in a place where birds are very plentiful and, with climate change, new species from other places have arrived. I’m interested in all birds, even the ones which no longer exist or which were imaginary. I search out and collect images of ancient birds, because I’m interested in observing birds from other places and other times.

Years ago, the “Pájaro Real de cola trenzada” (Royal Braided-Tail Woodpecker) suddenly appeared in my work. When I met him, he spoke with strength and poetry. This bird is a traveler bird, a free bird that is born in the high mountains. Its long and braided tail is not an obstacle to it arriving in the most remote and sophisticated places, decorating its tail with silver, copper, gold and vegetable materials that adhere to it, embellishing the tail. Making it unique.
Antique plates, metal, wood, pencil.
Collaged, mixed media, painted, carved, drawn, embroidered.