One for Sorrow, Two for Joy ... (series of seven)

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One for Sorrow, Two for Joy ... (series of seven)
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Variable sizes approximately 16x12 inches each (set of seven) 

One for Sorrow
Two for Joy
Three for a Girl
Four for a Boy
Five for Silver
Six for Gold
Seven for a Secret Never to be Told 

My interest in birds as a subject for my artwork was sparked by a couple of nesting magpies outside my home. These large, territorial, easily identifiable birds have been a joy to watch with their attitude and dramatic plumage. Magpies are easily recognized and associated with a number of myths including their attraction to and theft of shiny objects. This makes them an interesting subject for my creative work which generally has a strong narrative. The traditional rhyme, “One for Sorrow,” was my starting point for one of my first series of work. I followed this by featuring more of these characterful birds in my hand stitched pieces. My aim was to capture the magpies, their flash of iridescent blue when in flight, and their defiant territorial poses.
Vintage table linen, fabrics, thread.
Vintage table linen, fabrics, thread.