Never Again?

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Never Again?
38 in
31 in
(97 cm x 79 cm)
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In the 17th century Citadel in Besçanson, France, four execution posts bear witness to the 100 resistance fighters who were executed there between 1941-44. Its Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation details the somber story of occupation, imprisonment, resistance, and deportation to the concentration camps. In this piece, four black posts are set against the blue and white stripes of the concentration camp uniforms. They are decorated with the colored, triangular insignia used to classify different kinds of prisoners—Jews, political prisoners, criminals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, and others. Over 11 million people died. Never again, they said, but genocide continues in the world today.
Recycled linen and cotton scraps, cotton
Machine pieced and appliquéd, machine quilted