Humor Has It

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Humor Has It
30 in
24 in
(76 cm x 61 cm)
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Artist Rendition of Domain Image Photograph: Original Photographer Allan Warren "Phyllis Diller" 1973,  Wikimedia Commons - Creative Commons License Deed-Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons

Phyllis Diller was a female pioneer in stand-up comedy. Born on July 17,1917 in Ohio and lived to the age of ninety-five. She was courages and brought laughter to our family living room on the new color TV in the 1960's to 70's. I admired her creative style in wardrobe and color schemes which appeals to my personal choices in creating art. This connection influenced the idea to render an Art Quilt. One of her most famous images that was photographed by British Photographer Allan Warren 1973 "Phyllis Diller" who graciously gave me permission to create this rendering and publish the art work in the book "Herstory Quilts, A Celebration of Strong Women" by Susanne Miller Jones. Phyllis, known for her one-liners wearing orange next to red, became my idol as a pre-teen and ironically we share the same birth day.