Genocide at Horseshoe Bend

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Genocide at Horseshoe Bend
40 in
53 in
(102 cm x 135 cm)
Photo Credit
Fred C. Fussell
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On March 26, 1814, General Andrew Jackson and some 3,000 of his troops, representing the United States, executed a planned attack against a Muscogee Creek settlement. It was located in a bend of the Tallapoosa River, in what is now the state of Alabama. By day’s end, Jackson and his troops had slaughtered between 800 and 2,000 members of the Muscogee Creek Nation—on their homeland. In addition to the immediate death and destruction, The Battle at Horseshoe Bend resulted in the United States acquiring 23,000,000 acres of land, the election of Andrew Jackson to the Presidency, and the Trail of Tears. Each of my red stitches represents the body of a slaughtered Native American.
Raw edge appliquéd, machine quilted, hand embroidered