Formosa Taijiang

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Formosa Taijiang
90 in
110 in
(229 cm x 279 cm)
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*This work is an original design, hand quilted by Hsin-Chen Lin and co-created by members of Taiwan Art Quilt Society.

The rich natural environment where I live attracts a variety of birds. Its location on the migration route of migratory birds in East Asia and Australia, brings tens of thousands of birds to the island every spring and autumn. This rich bird ecology includes 674 wild bird species, including 29 species which are endemic. It is an internationally renowned bird watching hotspot.

The relationship between birds and humans is very close. Birds have provided humans with many living materials since ancient times. They prey on insects to maintain the balance of agricultural ecology. They feed on nectar and fruits, assist in pollination, expel seeds and pits, and promote the regeneration of plants. Human beings are similar to birds in their choices of habitat and environmental resources, and they are very similar in their ways of using the earth's resources. Nowadays, bird habitats are rapidly shrinking and becoming polluted. We may be seeing our future as well.

Hand dyed and commercial fabrics.
Hand stitched, appliquéd, pieced, quilted.