Five Elements

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Five Elements
34.25 in
29.5 in
0.25 in
(87 cm x 75 cm x 1 cm)
Photo Credit
Tim Barnwell, Asheville, NC
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There is a whole world of objects and beings we cannot see because they are small or transparent, or they happen just beyond the veil. We do not know if they are earthly organisms or beings from other planets, and we do not know their intentions. Maybe they exist beyond time. Perhaps they just live alongside us and because we do not see them or know them, they are free from our worldly problems. It is relief to think of them.

I made quilts for a short time as an accessible art form and quilted nearly every day during that time. I was inspired by the quilt as art, and wanted to contribute something and try my hand at this work. This is one of the attempts from that period. I so respect the artists who have elevated quilting to the level of regard it should occupy.
Indonesian cotton batik fabrics, cotton batting
Machine piecing, machine quilting.