First Waves

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First Waves
48 in
31 in
(122 cm x 79 cm)
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This quilt is inspired by the charts that have been published several times a day since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak in the United States in 2020. Since the answer to most of our virus questions seems to be “no one really knows yet”, we are frightened and confused about our future. Some days the charts are reassuring, some days they are frightening. We are left confused and distrustful because, though some of these statistics confirm what our leaders have predicted, many of their claims have proven to be at odds with the actual facts. First waves, flattening curves, or persistent peaks?
Commercial and hand dyed cotton fabrics, fused appliqué, wool battings, cotton blend thread, monofilament thread.
Machine piecing and raw edge fused appliqué, quilting, specially cut edges, bias and straight turned binding.