Edith Stein: Jew, Philosopher, Sister, Saint (Triptych)

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Edith Stein: Jew, Philosopher, Sister, Saint (Triptych)
35 in
42 in
(89 cm x 107 cm)
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Who was Edith Stein—Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross? Jewish? Catholic nun? Martyred Saint? None? All? Who can claim her as their own? I was drawn to the story of Edith Stein for just this complicated mess of identities. In this piece, I try to make it clear that she is the same person throughout the three panels. She is all the aspects of her experience. Jewish, daughter, sister, student, seeker, atheist, philosopher, writer, healer, teacher, Christian, nun, martyr, saint. She is all these things at once. It is important to highlight the messiness of identity in this time when society requires labels. Is there a way to move from narrowness to expansiveness? Edith said yes.
Cotton, beads
Appliquéd, hand dyed, printed, painted, drawn, free motion and straight stitched, hand stamped