Don't Close Your Eyes

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Don't Close Your Eyes
28 in
26 in
(71 cm x 66 cm)
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It's a desolate landscape, with dilapidated houses, polluted water, and garbage everywhere. A child sadly contemplates this disastrous environment where he has to sort out the rubbish for his survival. But if you look from a distance, you can see a serious face against this background, like the living conscience of the place: let's not forget, let's not close our eyes to the misery that hides behind our consumer society.
Various fabrics, plastic, packaging bags, sewing scraps, haberdashery, ecoprints, acrylic paint, Liquitex mediums, white opaque flakes, string gel, natural sand gel, water soluble foundation
Fused, ecoprinted, melted, free motion quilted