Do Not Look Away

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Do Not Look Away
54 in
86 in
(137 cm x 218 cm)
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My understanding of public murder has grown and deepened. In Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel, Maus, Holocaust survivor Vladek Spiegelman remembers: “The Germans intend to make examples of them… They hanged there for one full week. I did not want to go outside to pass where they were hanging.” Each public murder victimized both an individual and a community. Such control-by-targeted-brutality crosses cultures and years. It also characterized America’s Jim Crow South. Those in power printed postcards of Black lynching victims. Whole communities were terrorized. Who might be next? I chose to depict both the murdered and the ones who had to look. Remembering, we should not look away.
Cotton, canvas, polyester, acrylic paints, felt, photograph
Monoprinted, stenciled, painted, photo transferred, collaged, machine stitched