City of Dreams (Stories of Migration)

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City of Dreams (Stories of Migration)
31.5 in
51 in
(80 cm x 130 cm)
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Migration is a fact of life: war, famine, persecution, and joblessness all fuel movements of people. My family is one of migrants and refugees, searching for their ‘City of Dreams’. My father was born in Odessa and emigrated to Argentina after WW1 in search of a safer life. My mother’s family emigrated from Eastern Europe to Argentina in the 1890s to escape pogroms. I was born in Argentina and moved to England because of military persecution of ‘subversive’ students. Other family members emigrated to the US and Israel at various times. I still have relatives in Ukraine. Sadly, we are currently bearing witness to large-scale migration because of further terrible wars, climate change, and more.
Digitally designed and printed, layered, machine quilted