Canyon Light

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Canyon Light
60 in
40 in
(152 cm x 102 cm)
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New Mexico Art in Public Places - Ken & Patty Adam Senior Center

This piece was inspired by a photo I took at Dinosaur National Monument in Utah.

Inspiration for my art comes from trips to China, East Africa, Russia, Antarctica, and extensive travel throughout North America and Europe. I'm drawn to a few subjects in nature that I find perpetually intriguing and my voice is whispering a tribute to the incredible beauty in both the subtle and violent forces of nature, only touched by the hands of humans on rare occasions. I'm obsessively drawn to trees, rocks, all forms of water, and animals. I portray these subjects as if they were asking me to reveal their messages to the world.
Cotton, acrylic paints, various threads
Raw edge appliquéd cotton and paints. Free motion quilted.