Broken Hearts Hope To Someday Bloom

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Broken Hearts Hope To Someday Bloom
22 in
18 in
(56 cm x 46 cm)
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Depression, anxiety, stress, and confusion all can lead to addiction. Addiction, like many mental health disorders, is gravely misunderstood. Addiction is a disease just like diabetes, COPD, heart failure, kidney disease - the list continues. The difference between addiction and other diseases is that the addict is judged. Addiction takes over a person's brain before the person even realizes what has happened to them. Their brain, body, and personality is no longer their own.
Commercial Cotton, Silk Organza, Stabilizer, Embroidery Floss, Perle Cotton, Yarn, Acrylic Paint
Machine Quilting, Hand Embroidery, Photo Printed on Silk Organza and Stabilizer, Applique, Paint