Blue Planet Blues

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Blue Planet Blues
45 in
30 in
2 in
(114 cm x 76 cm x 5 cm)
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Our planet is fraying at the seams. The cycles of nature are out of sync. Our oceans, especially—the cradles of all life on earth—are swinging out of balance. Human overfishing has broken the laws of nature on the one hand, leading to the near-collapse of marine ecosystems. Our trash, on the other hand, is filling the ocean with debris, much of it consisting of non-decomposable plastics. Scientists predict that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. We need to care, because our very existence depends on it.
Home décor textiles, embroidery floss, ink, buttons, plastic bottles
Stamped, raw-edge pieced, raw-edge appliquéd, machine stitched, hand embroidered