Birds In The House III

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Birds In The House III
45 in
42 in
(114 cm x 107 cm)
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The "Birds In The House Series" was inspired by an old wives' tale told to me by my mother: a bird in the house is a warning sign. She recounted that as a child, just before a fire at her farm, a bird was in their house. Years later, when confronted with a difficult personal situation I noticed a bird pecking daily on the window of my studio. I perceived it as a warning that my center -- my creative soul -- was in danger. This quilt, the third in the series, evolved after I had a successfully survived a serious health issue. Once again, a bird had offered a warning. For me, birds are protective spiritual entities and often appear in my art.
Commercial and hand-dyed fabrics, beads.
Machine pieced and quilted; embellished with beads, machine and hand stitching.