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Barn Quilt Screen Style
43 in
43 in
(109 cm x 109 cm)
Photo Credit
Steve Kleinman
Creative opportunities come from unexpected moments. When the family dog runs through the screen door, a question arises: what to do with the ripped screen? Throw away or reuse? Reuse and recreate has been my answer, and over the years I’ve used window screen as a "bit player" in my quilts. This time I wanted the screen to be the "leading lady." I created this piece to be evocative of the barn quilts from my home state of Iowa, using silver and black square screens in various sizes to create an unexpected interpretation of a traditional quilt block.
Fiberglass window screen (in silver and charcoal), fusible batting, premium eco felt, cotton thread
Stitched overlapping layers of window screen to create my original block patterns; sewn screen layer fused to batting; machine quilted with black felt backing