SAQA Local Connection: Colorado

Some of SAQA’s regions are quite large, and it can be difficult to schedule meetings to accommodate the entire region. One approach is to have a smaller local meeting which SAQA calls a Local Connection (also called pods or circles). These meetings can have a lot of structure or not. Here is a great example.

Indigo Dye


The Northern Colorado Local Connections (NoCoLoCo) group is very active. It holds monthly meetings via Zoom, enjoys trips to art exhibits, and has play dates at a member’s home. The group is made up of talented artists from Northern Colorado, Boulder, and the northern Denver area. 

Indigo Dye



Interested in meeting with other SAQA members in your region? It’s easy to make a Local Connection – Simply contact your Regional Rep today to find out more about this program. No matter who you are or where you are, you’re always connected with SAQA.