Congratulations to the artists selected for Now: Contemporary Art Quilts of Today

Congratulations to the artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Now: Contemporary Art Quilts of Today by juror Sandra Sider. This single-venue exhibition will be displayed in October 2025 at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas. 


Selected Artists:

Ludmila Aristova (New York, USA) - Nostalgia
Anne Bellas (France) - Happy Blues
Gay Bitter (New Jersey, USA) - Ode to Mr. Gallagher
Shin-hee Chin (Kansas, USA) -  Winter Trees - A Glimmer of Light
Sue Colozzi (Massachusetts, USA) - Flowing Downstream
Liz Davidson (Illinois, USA) - Great blue heron
Sue Dennis (Australia) - Leaf Mandala
Linda Geiger (Florida, USA) - Awakening
Cindy Grisdela (Virginia, USA) - Aquarius
Michele Hardy (Colorado, USA) - Dimensions #9
Barbara Oliver Hartman (Texas, USA) - Good Vibrations
Pat Hertzberg (Ontario, Canada) - New Dawn Breaking 
Michelle Jackson (New Mexico, USA) - May I Have This Dance?
Patty Kennedy-Zafred (Pennsylvania, USA) - Spirits Rising
Linda M Kim (Texas, USA) - Let Freedom Ring
Anne Kobus (Florida, USA) - They Tell Me to Calm Down
Irene Anna Koroluk (Australia) - Soft Coral Atoll #1
Jody B Larson (Wisconsin, USA) - Saxophone Jazz
Niraja C Lorenz (Oregon, USA) - Emergence 2
Kathleen McCabe (California, USA) - The Journey
Virginia E McConnell (Virginia, USA) - Sunday Morning
Diane  Melms (Alaska, USA) - Thinking Outside the Block
Denise Oyama Miller (California, USA) - Matilija Poppies
Kathleen  Nero (California, USA) - Ombre  #1
Carolina Pia Oneto Tapia (Mexico) - Chromatic journey to stillness 
Amanda Preston Araujo (Colorado, USA) - Iguana
Lena Pugachova (Ireland) - Mad Tea Party
Wen Redmond (New Hampshire, USA) - Continuing the Conversation
Carole  Rossi (California, USA) - Kaleidoscope Joy
Jan Soules (California, USA) - Magic Beans #2: Eden
Jean Sredl (Wisconsin, USA) - Stormy Sea II
Daphne Taylor (Maine, USA) - Quilt Drawing #29
Maggie Vanderweit (Ontario, Canada) - Outside Inside