Patricia Arensen (Minnesota, USA) - Hidden In the Crowd
Barbara Arguedas (New Mexico, USA) - Colorful Drama
Carol Bridges (Montana, USA) - I Spy An Elephant
Susan Brubaker Knapp (North Carolina, USA) - Marbled Salamanders
Laurie J. Bucher (California, USA) - Lost and Found
Betty Busby (New Mexico, USA) - Island
Shin-hee Chin (Kansas, USA) - Poetic Camouflage
Vicki Conley (New Mexico, USA) - Dog Gone
Yael David-Cohen (United Kingdom) - Camouflage
Janet Ruth Davis (Colorado, USA) - Twilight Flight
Jennifer Day (Texas, USA) - Orchid Praying Mantis
Rhonda Denney (Kansas, USA) - Waterhole Camouflage
Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry (Washington, USA) - Personal Transparency
Nancy K. Fisher (Texas, USA) - The (Canyon) Walls Have Eyes
Debra Goley (Arizona, USA) - Flamenco Dance
Susie Goodman (Indiana, USA) - Hidden Harmony
Kim Keller (Colorado, USA) - Snowy Owl
Darlene M. Khosrowpour (Texas, USA) - Earning my Stripes
Margaret Knepper (Florida, USA) - Dude!
Deborah A. Kuster (Arkansas, USA) - Hopeful
Mary-Ellen Latino (California, USA) - Into the Wild!, var.2
Tracey Lawko (Ontario, Canada) - Threatened
Paola Machetta (Italy) - Spot the dot
Fuzzy Mall (Ontario, Canada) - Janine Heschel2 (Octo Camo)
Lena Meszaros (France) - Don't Close Your Eyes
Karen Illman Miller (Oregon, USA) - Peacock Coat
Lindsay Olson (Illinois, USA) - Bothus
Claire Passmore (Mauritius) - Watching and Waiting
Amanda Preston Araujo (Colorado, USA) - Blue Cayman Iguana
Luana Rubin (Colorado, USA) - Uncompahgre Fritillary - An Endangered Pollinator
Sara Sharp (Texas, USA) - His Leafy Refuge
Amanda Snavely (Oregon, USA) - Just Add Color
Maggie Vanderweit (Ontario, Canada) - Walking Into Crestwood
Mieko Washio (Japan) - Green pepper and gecko
Lisa Yahne (Texas, USA) - In Plain Sight
Marian Zielinski (Georgia, USA) - Mutual Life of the Universe
** artists were notified via email on 03/13